Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Discuss the Ethnicity, Race in new cinema and how these elements Essay

Discuss the Ethnicity, Race in new cinema and how these elements represent the culture identity in new cinema - Essay Example Countless movies have been made that placed the white race concept atop the pedestal. This is apparent in many genre, setting and context. Films strengthen the existing prevailing social concepts (Kellner, 1995, as cited in Brayton, n.d.) that refer to a middle class white heterosexual male as the normative figure (Brayton, n.d.). The concept of race is a social construction and originally defined by western people. The general notion brought by this concept is that the white people are superior over those with colored skin. This prevailed during the colonization period where the colonizers were white people. Whiteness reached its peak after the colonial era though (Lopez, 2005). Thus, having colonized lands with black people, the latter were treated as inferior and were made slaves. The same treatment is accorded to people with brown skin. The concept of whiteness was perpetuated even after colonialism as desirable and utilized to repress and marginalize the others (Lopez, 2005). Th e concept of â€Å"personal whiteness† referred to by W.E.B. Du Bois has been readily and systematically accepted by groups which were â€Å"racialized, enslaved, conquered and colonized,† but who regard â€Å"white power and white pretense† as critical concerns (Towards a Bibliography 2006, p. 5). Although numerous groups are working to counter this unequal social construct, there are still segments in society as well as individuals who retained such white supremacy notion. Even those not belonging to organized groups, their individual attitude towards colored people show antagonism or disgust. Individuals who do not belong to the whiteness group are categorized as belonging to the â€Å"other† (Performing Whiteness n.d.). The concept of race can be found in many cultural materials such as stories, narratives, habits, etc. and perpetuated in cinema (Critical Race Theory 2011). Although socially constructed, race has been institutionalized in the US throu gh systematic and deliberate actions, thus creating social structures and consequences (Lipsitz, 1995). In cinema, race is constructed continually as a performance and â€Å"understood as a set of cultural tastes,† but not in relation to biological or cultural existence (Brayton, n.d., p. 63). The lifestyle of the rich upper class whiteness is portrayed as the proper norm (Johnson and Roediger, 1997, as cited in Brayton, n.d.). It is played around the concept of consumer choice (Brayton, n.d.). Academic debates on race focus on cultural identity, the roots of the group, and how members see themselves as a cultural group (Bernardi, n.d.). Identity does not remain the same. It undergoes continuous change and transformation (Hall, 1989, as cited in Bernardi, n.d.). White dominance as a performance is aptly described by Orwell (1936 as cited in Lopez, 2005) in saying that by wearing a mask, the face grows to fit with it. Shifting Focus of Whiteness Racial formation, according to Omi and Howard (1994, as cited in Bernardi, n.d.), is a divide grounded on cultural and physiognomic parameters that tells who should have access to institutions. Racial formation changes like identity (Bernardi, n.d.). During the early developments in cinema, the concept of race was dominated by social Darwinism and eugenics wherein humanity is placed in a â€Å"hierarchy of human cultures and histories† with the Anglo-Saxons at the top, followed by the other Caucasians, the

Difference between 2 companies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Difference between 2 companies - Assignment Example esult of its rather distinctive business model, all of McDonald’s restaurants are operated either directly by the company or by franchisees (McDonald’, 2014). The company offers a uniform menu across all its various locations although there are a number of geographic variations that allow for the menu to adequately adapt, and suit the local tastes and preferences. The standard McDonald’s menu typically includes, the Big Mac, Chicken McNuggets, French fries, a wide array of salads, the Quarter Pounder with Cheese, snack wraps, oatmeal, sundaes, soft drinks, shakes, coffee, several chicken sandwich options, McCafe beverages and a number of other beverage options. According to (2014), the strength of the current alignment of the McDonald’s’s system that comprises of the company, its suppliers and franchisees has been key to McDonald’s success. By leveraging this system, McDonald’s is able to easily identify, implement and eventually scale ideas that are able to meet the customers’ changing preferences and needs. In addition to this, McDonald’s business model enables the company to consistently deliver what has been described as locally-relevant restaurant experiences to customers and help the company to be an integral part of the community that it serves. McDonald’s is managed as distinct geographical segments that include the United States, the Asia/Pacific Middle East and Africa region (APMEA) and Europe. The company is noted to also have other operations in Latin America and Canada. McDonald’s has a number of aims and objectives that primarily center on the serving of good food in what is a fun and friendly environment, emerge as a leading socially responsible company, and provide good returns to the company’s share holders. In addition to this, the company also aims to provide all its customers with food of the highest standard, value for their money and quick service. The company also wishes to become more eco-friendly

Monday, October 28, 2019

Google in China Essay Example for Free

Google in China Essay Google is the fastest growing Internet search engine company. Google’s mission is â€Å"to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.†(International Business: Competing in the Global marketplace, pg 148-149) They have a mantra of â€Å"Don’t be Evil.† Google started this mantra to be the main message to show consumers they would not compromise the integrity of its search results. This case reviews the situation under which Google was required to censor its content and chose to launch its new search engine site. The case explains the role of the Chinese government and its regulations in the Internet market which had a negative effect on Googles operations in China. In 2000, Google started a Chinese language service. This service was operated from the United States. Chinese authorities blocked the site in 2002 because China censors information to their citizens. This block surprised Google’s managers. This was a challenge the managers did not plan on. If they done their research of the Chinese Government and culture prior to launching the Chinese language service, they would have known the block would be inevitable and they could have tailored their service to the Chinese regulations, culture, and laws. Google knew China was an advantageous business and they would need to adapt their service in order for it to be acceptable and profitable. Google also had to move the Chinese operations to China. Operating from the United States caused slow connection speed and hinder their operation and growth. This was a good move because it enabled Google to employee Chinese citizens who would be able to help understand and adapt to the Chinese laws, regulations, and censorship demands. Google managers made a mistake by not researching their target market. However, they acted quickly in learning and correcting this mistake. Google still offered Chinese citizens a better search engine, but it was not without censorship. The Google search engine offers more results than its competitors, Yahoo, Microsoft’s MSN, and China’s own company, Baidu. Google states Chinese consumers will â€Å"get more information on their site, though not quite all of it.† (International Business: Competing in the Global marketplace, pg 148-149) In 2006, Google had 30 percent share of China’s internet search engines. Baidu had 40 percent. This left another 30 percent split between Yahoo and Microsoft’s MSN search engines. These percentages are good, especially when one considers Yahoo and Microsoft had entered the Chinese search engine market prior to Google. Baidu has several advantages over Google that are mostly associated with it being a Chinese based company, the search engine has â€Å"competence in pinpointing queries in the Chinese language† (Yin Yulin, 2010, p. 4). Government relations with China are precarious for businesses effectiveness. Google did not have a clear understanding of what they would be involved in. China has become more supported and self-assured due to its increasing economic significance. They are more reluctant to be pressed by Western governments or companies into changing its long term regulations and censorship. Because of this aspect, China does not yet comprehend global strategies and the importance of global public relations. This causes them to be more rigid in their international business dealings. All-in-all, Google has been able to grow successfully in the Chinese search engine market and maintain the number two spot (behind Baidu) in China despite their lack of early research on the Chinese culture, governmental regulations, and laws. References International Business. Competing in the Global Marketplace, Seventh Edition, Chapter 3: Differences in Culture ISBN: 9780073381343 Author: Charles W. L. Hill copyright  © 2009 McGraw-Hill, a business unit of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Corporate Governance Failures And Scandals In Recent History Accounting Essay

Corporate Governance Failures And Scandals In Recent History Accounting Essay In this essay, we are going to contemplate law, which is one of the most fundamental jurisdictional areas at present. Value will be given to the unraveling of the significant area of company law. One should acknowledge that in the past two centuries, several corporate collapses have overturn the facts in the business world and brought many changes in the corporate field in UK and abroad. In approaching this issue, the government seeks to prevent the repetition of accounting scandals and fraud. It introduces governmental regimes, that will set the framework in the UK corporate system. We are going to examine and analyze the basic legal issues arising with the application of the Combined Code and the UK legislation and whether their usefulness to the objectives of a company, is a fact or whether is a virtual reality. In assessing this question, it is important to state that a good corporate governance is an indispensable demand for a large organization. A corporate governance, is considered to be the framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes within and by which authority is exercised and controlled in corporations, while it encompasses the mechanisms by which companies and those in control, are held to account  [1]  . The main purpose of corporate governance is the facilitation of effective, entrepreneurial and prudent management that will be able to deliver the long-term success of the company  [2]  . The objectives of a company, are achieved through the completion of the procedures of corporate governance principles, that are set out in the Combined Code. Corporate Scandals Corporate governance failures and scandals in recent history, must be taken into account, in order to comprehend the reasons that have led to the creation of the Combined Code. The scandals came into the light involving well-known firms such as Maxwell, that was brought to the attention of the general public for problems associated with the management of pension funds and their security  [3]  . Another major scandal was the Enron scandal, who concerned several parties who gained personal benefits from illegal accounting procedures. In addition, WorldCom corporate scandal was the one where accounting irregularities led the firm to bankruptcy. In Polly peck the owner was accused of fraud because he owed a vast amount of money to investors. BCCI was found guilty of accusations of deception and the laundering of money. An important example which showed the need for an effective system was Parmalat which was similar to Enrons. The former events have highlighted serious shortcoming in worldwide pension legislation, and were behind policy-making throughout the decade  [4]  . Committees These unforeseen corporate scandals gave impetus to governments and regulatory bodies to draft a Code that will guard the future of companies from situations such as these. Several committees were formed, concerning the development of corporate governance which is considered the internal means by which corporations are operated and controlled  [5]  . Initially, the Cadbury  [6]  Committee drafted The Report of the Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance which encouraged the firms to alter the structure and responsibilities of the board of directors, to increase the value and effectiveness of the audit and the relationship between the board and shareholders and concerned the responsibilities of institutional shareholders  [7]  . The Cadbury committee was followed by the Greenbury  [8]  committee, where it was acknowledged that the examination of directors remuneration was a necessary demand. The Hampel  [9]  committee that took place in 1998, rev iewed and updated the earlier recommendations by the two previous committees. This Final report emphasized on principles of good governance rather than explicit rule in order to reduce the regulatory burden on companies and avoid box-ticking so as to be flexible enough to be applicable to all companies  [10]  . Furthermore, the Higgs  [11]  and Smith  [12]  Reviews formulated the Combined Code 2002. According to the Higgs Review the effectiveness and independence of non-executive directors are of importance, while with the Smith Review the role of the audit committee is established. Corporate Governance Code 2010 The recommendations and principles of the committees on good corporate governance, have developed the Combined code. The Combined Code was first issued in 1998 and had received many updates since then. The Code that is in effect now is the Corporate Governance Code 2010. The Revised Code sets out standards of good practice in relation to board leadership and effectiveness, remuneration, accountability and relations with shareholders  [13]  . It sets out principles designed to encourage shareholders, non-executive directors and auditors to accept their legal responsibilities and scrutinize the stewardship of companies  [14]  . The Code is considered to be a voluntary code, which applies to an extent in any company that chooses to adhere to it  [15]  . The committees made several recommendations. At first, they recommended that every company should be headed by an effective board, which will be collectively responsible for the success of the company and will provide entrepreneurial leadership, in setting the companys strategic aims  [16]  . In the Code it is mentioned that the board must have a sufficient size where the balance of skills and experience is the appropriate for the requirements of the business  [17]  . Accordingly, it suggested that the responsibilities at the head of the company should be divided between the running of the board and the executive responsibility for the running of the companys business  [18]  . In addition the roles of chairman and chief executive should be divided  [19]  . An illustration that supports this, is the scandals that were created by the Polly Peck, were Asil Nadir the owner abused the power that was in his hands. This is considered to be a distinguished provision and if it is followed then balance of power will take place and similar situation will not be repeated. In the Corporate Governance Code the issue of remuneration is being highlighted. The code provides that the role of the remuneration committee is an integral component for the corporate governance process and companies must go through a formal process in considering the developing policy on executive remuneration  [20]  . It provides that the board should establish a remuneration committee of independent non-executive directors, which should make available its terms of reference, explaining its role and the authority delegated to it by the board  [21]  . The remuneration committee should consult the chairman or the chief executive about their proposals relating to the remuneration of other executive directors  [22]  . In Tyco scandal the chairman along with the chief executive were involved in fraudulent practices that were estimated at the loss of million dollars and were used for personal benefit. Apo4ii The Cadbury Report referred to the important duties and responsibilities of an independent audit committee over the processes of corporate governance. The board should establish an audit committee of at least 3 non-executive directors, each of whom is independent and financially literate  [23]  . The audit committee assists the board in fulfilling its statutory and fiduciary oversight responsibilities relating to the companys financial accounting, reporting and controls  [24]  . The report of the Blue Ribbon Committee on Improving the Effectiveness of Corporate Audit in 1999 pointed out that the audit committee should encourage procedures that promote accountability among the internal auditor, and the outside auditors , ensuring that management properly develops and adheres to a sound system of internal control. An audit committee is designed to provide a level of assurance within the scope of corporate governance. In light of Enron and similar situations, scrutiny of audit c ommittee performance is likely to increase, therefore it is more important than ever to ensure that audit committees are satisfying at least the basic standards of conduct  [25]  . Evaluation of the Corporate Governance Code In the Corporate Governance Code importance needs to be given to the non-executive directors (NEDs). They were introduced by the Combined Code in order to prevent any future corporate governance problems. Each board should have non-executive directors  [26]  . NEDs have a crucial role in the operation of the board as members of a unitary board. In spite their knowledge and skills, they should constructively challenge and help develop proposals on strategy, they should examine the performance of management in meeting agreed goals and objectives and finally satisfy themselves on the integrity of financial information  [27]  . A fundamental quality that a NED needs to posses is independence  [28]  . This had become essential after the Enron and WorldCom scandals, because of the sensitiveness around remuneration, accuracy of financial disclosure and consequence of flawed strategic decisions  [29]  . Being independent means being capable of exercising objective judgment to task where there is a potential conflict of interest  [30]  . The crucial issue is whether NEDs are independent. They are appointed by executives and shareholders and it is accepted that most of them are considered to be from the same background as the executives and therefore to have a more friendly relationship between them. This might affect their performance because if a problem occurs they might overlook it because of the more friendly association. NEDs need to be objective and not to be affected by additional factors. At the beginning, it seemed to be distinctly effective, since they would ensure the directors actions and the company in general, in order not to give impetus to imminent scandals. However, we can state that they are not considered as a great solution since the work is not so effective. Furthermore, the shareholders effective communication needs to be evaluated. According to the principle there should be a dialogue with shareholders based on the mutual understanding of objectives  [31]  . It is considered very essential that the board is given the opportunity to communicate with shareholders. This will achieve a better governance because the aims and scopes of shareholders will be heard and hence comprehended by the board. Shareholders and the board, can have the potential to be each others greatest source of development. Thus, by reinforcing each others opinion will result to great solutions of numerous concerns and this will accomplish better governance strategies. Additionally, a comply or explain basis is used when applying the Code on Corporate Governance. This approach was forwarded by the Cadbury Committee. According to this approach companies were obliged to either indicate whether they achieved to comply with the code in their annual reports or otherwise explain any areas of non-compliance  [32]  . This approach is not considered to be legally binding instead it is voluntary. Companies have the right to choice, yet when they choose not to implement the Code, a rational reason must be given to the shareholders since they are going to be judged by it. The area of non-compliance is not very clear instead it is critical, but there is not an obligation to comply because the Code is not legally enforced. However the Code provides flexibility for those who choose to apply it  [33]  . Therefore this needs to be examined for a more effective work of the Code, nonetheless the comply or explain mechanism can achieve a good governance struct ure . The Code has raised the standards in the field of corporate governance. Through its implementation, it has  become effective for several companies. From the first time it was introduced since now it has received many updates, in order to reach perfection. Nevertheless, the various principles provided by the Code need to be critically observed and improved. It is very important to signify that corporate scandals have been reduced, yet they are not vanished. Regulators need to focus on existing problems and provide major developments of unclear areas of the Code. Conclusion As has been shown, several issues arising from the application of the Combined Code and the legislative framework have been analyzed and embodied in the essay. Their extensive investigation, helped us root out whether the government actions in achieving satisfactory corporate governance procedures, can be established. Consequently, the Combined Code has improved the corporate governance standards, yet there are several inadequate areas that need to be developed. Concurrently, it is essential to justify that in order to promote a good governance, all aspects of the Code need to be effectively welcomed and applied, with both knowledge and awareness of their usefulness, by the corporate system. A combination of the right people at the right place along with the current governance regime, can constitute the vital ingredients that over time, will ensure a successful company.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Shakespeare in Contemporary Movies Essay -- William Shakespeare Films

Shakespeare in Contemporary Movies In the middle of Looking for Richard, Al Pacino's documentary about making Richard III and bringing Shakespeare to the people, there is a moment which illuminates the relationship of scholarship, Shakespeare and popular culture. The director is ranting at Pacino for offering (threatening?) to bring a Shakespearean scholar into the film: You said you were going to find a scholar to speak directly into the camera and explain what really went down and I'm telling you that is ridiculous, that you know more about Richard III than any fucking scholar at Columbia or Harvard. Pacino tries to calm his friend down by pointing out that everyone, even a scholar, is entitled to an opinion about Shakespeare and that is the point of the film, to collect all opinions. In response, the director, intensely frustrated, explodes, "but why does he get to speak directly to the camera!?" If Shakespeare has become a secular bible for contemporary America, then the scholars, at Harvard, Columbia, or anywhere else, are the priests who interpret the holy writ for the uneducated masses. When academics insist that Shakespeare be read without "translation" into modern English, they do so because they believe that a great part of the value lies in the language. But America is a (largely) Protestant country and the masses have long since rebelled against the authority of priests and their interpretations of sacred texts. Shakespeare is respected not just as literature but as a repository of great truths; at the same time, people often mistrust and reject him as too "upper-class." Pacino does eventually allow a scholar to speak directly to the camera, but this serves only to undercut his autho... ...est. In each case (and especially in Renaissance Man), what those who use Shakespeare gain is just a way to fit into the world more comfortably. And in Dead Poets Society, Shakespeare is seen as creating a split too wide to be healed, leading to suicide. But even in other cases, the fragmented text is a way into the world of power and privilege, not a radical reordering of that world. Instead, popular culture’s freeing of Shakespeare results only in the individual readers agreeing to take over the task of policing socially acceptable readings and uses of the secular bible. Works cited Barthes, Roland. Mythologies. Trans. Annette Lavers. New York: Farrar, 1972. Burt, Richard. "The Love that Dare Not Speak Shakespeare’s Name: New Shakesqueer Cinema" in Shakespeare the Movie. Ed. Lynda E. Boose and Richard Burt. London and New York: Routledge, 1997. 240-268.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Mother Daughter Relationship in I Stand Here Ironing by Tillie Olse

The Mother Daughter Relationship in "I Stand Here Ironing" by Tillie Olsen 'I stand here ironing,' a unique phrase uttered by a woman in her conquest of life. It may seem like an unwanted phrase to many, but it has deep meaning behind it. This phrase is almost whispered by the narrator of ?I Stand Here Ironing,? Tillie Olsen, and also by many other mothers going through an important stage in their lives. The stage in life that the mother in the story is going through is called child development, and within this complicated stage arise many new worlds of imagination, emotional journeys, and soothing memories. The whole story is based around a mother's view, and joy, of her child growing up in a world filled with barriers and hurdles that she must overcome. The entire point of view is that of the narrator, as a mother concerned with the way her child is being raised and the hardships she must overcome. She also witnesses her daughter?s happiness and the colorful meanings of life that she discovers herself. I believe this story is based around the hardships of growing up as a woman in the Nineteen-hundreds. It has all the symbolism of being a true feminist short story. As Elaine Orr expresses in her criticism, Tillie Olsen and a Feminist Spiritual Vision, about how ?Suddenly Emily is emblematic of all children, of the next generation??(EO 84) that the times were of the early feministic era. When feminists were about conquering oppression and rising above the rest of the doubt that society places upon them. She talks about how ?Emily will not survive. If she does not believe in future presence, in beginnings latent in her own life, all is lost: past, present, and future.?(EO 84) expressing once again how the times were differen... ...cts of the mother and the descriptions, which are presented to us from her, are very conclusive and need to be further examined to draw out any further conclusions on how she ?really? felt. The mother-daughter relationship between the narrator and her daughter bring up many questions as to their exact connection. At times it seems strong, as when the narrator is relating her childhood and recounting the good times. Other times it is very strained. All in all the connection between the two seems to be a very real and lifelike account of an actual mother-daughter relationship. Bibliography: 1. Orr, Elaine. Tillie Olsen and a Feminist Spiritual Vision. Jackson: University Press, 1987 2. Responding to Literature. ?I Stand Here Ironing?. Mayfield Publishing Company: Judith Stanford. 1999. Pg. 815-821.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Abraham :: essays research papers

Abraham Abraham, also known as Abram is most commonly known for being the Father of the Jewish people. The majority of the information found on Abraham is located in the Old Testament's Book of Genesis. Other than that, there are no real historical records on the life of Abraham, so the history of his life was passed by word of mouth, and were there after made into biblical stories. There is also the question if Abraham really lived, do to the little information available on his life. Abraham is most famous for making his Covenant with God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abraham would have lived somewhere between the years of 2000 and 1500 BC. He was born in the city of Ur. Abraham's real name was Abram. The father of Abram , Terach, had two other sons , Haran and Nachor. While living in the city of Ur , Abram married his half-sister, Sarai who later took on the name of Sarah. The newlyweds later learned that Sarai was sterile. They then traveled north to Charan, accompanied by Abraham's father Terach. While in Charan Terach died. It was in Charan where God made his first of a series of revelations to Abram. God spoke to Abram, and told him that he would promise to bless him and make a great nation of him. Abram willingly decided to follow God to the city of Canaan. Abram not only traveled with his wife on this journey, but he also picked up his nephew, Lot. He lived his life in Canaan as a Nomad. Famine eventually struck the land of Canaan , forcing Abram and his family to move on to Egypt.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Egypt, Abram was fearful that the Egyptians would kill him and take his wife Sarai if they were to discover that the two were married. Abram attempted to cover this up by telling everyone that he and Sarai were just brother and sister. The Pharaoh demanded that Sarai be brought to his palace, and as result, God sent down plagues which devastated all of Egypt. In a desperate attempt to save his kingdom, Pharaoh decided it would be best to send Abram and Sarai away.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abram and his family returned to Canaan after the Famine had ended. Both Lot and Abraham had great wealth in Canaan. The two both owned livestock, and large quantities of silver and gold. Eventually Abram and Lot found that the land could no longer provide the resources that the two men required of it. The two went their separate ways, Lot going to the Jordan Plain, and Abram staying

Was the Iraqi Use of Military Force in the First Gulf War Justified?

Was the Iraqi use of military force in The First Gulf War justified? In the end of Cold War, a new problem for the international community emerged. In the summer 1990 Iraq launched an invasion of Kuwait. Since the establishment of the United Nations, the international law has played a significant role in relations between states and the survival of the fittest has no longer been a legitimate reason for aggression. Hence, as Iraq has been a UN member a since 1945, its government must have advocated its use of military force somehow. Thus Saddam Hussein took an advantage of ongoing disputes with his neighbour.The purpose of this essay is to prove that the economic frictions between Iraq and Kuwait could not serve as a justification for the Iraqi invasion. Firstly, this paper will examine financial quarrels between the two countries. Secondly, a dispute over price of oil will be discussed. Financial issues between Iraq and Kuwait have their roots in the Iraq-Iran war. The eight years of fighting have caused economic instability in Iraq. The local government was suddenly forced to deal with destroyed infrastructure, depleted oil reserves, and mainly, with the third largest debt in the world that accounted for $80billion (CIA, 2007).In short, local economy got in a dire situation and in order to keep the country going, Iraqi leaders needed to obtain extra money as soon as possible. As a result, Saddam Hussein urged Kuwait to write off the whole Iraqi debt and in addition, provide Baghdad with another $10billion. As Kuwait belonged to Iraq’s biggest creditors, the amount of Iraqi debt was definitely not negligible. In fact, Iraq owed Gulf States approximately $40billion at the time (Freedman & Karsh, 1993).Hussein decided to advocate his daring demand by claiming that without Iran-Iraq war, Gulf States would have been forced to pay larger sums in order to protect themselves from Iran and its Islamic revolution. Accordingly, in the Iraqi point of view, Baghdad deserved to be compensated for the war expenditures. Iraqi former foreign minister, Tariq Aziz, elaborated on this topic with pan-Arabic rhetoric. In his memorandum to the Secretary-General of the Arab League, Aziz argued that despite the division into states, all Arabs still remained one country and what belonged to one, belonged to all.Therefore, according to Aziz, financial support provided to Iraq by Gulf States should not have been regarded as debt, but as aid (Salinger & Laurent, 1991). However, since the establishment of the United Nations, the principle of the pan-Arabism has not been legitimate. On the basis of Article 2, paragraph 1 of the UN Charter, all states are sovereign. This means they have full authority over their own territory and cannot be forced into a decision they do not want to make. It seems logical that no country would voluntarily forget a huge debt and render another $10 billion for no service in return.For this reason, Kuwait considered the Iraqi far re aching demand as bullying (Mylroie, 1993; Salinger & Laurent, 1991; Bulloch & Morris, 1991). Moreover, there was possibility that if Kuwait had fulfilled the Iraqi request, more Iraqi demands for additional money would have followed (Mylroie, 1993; Karsh & Rautsi, 1991). Hence, Kuwaiti government refused to negotiate with Iraq for most of the time and ignored the Iraqi insistence. Nevertheless, when the situation got more escalated, delegates of both parties finally met at a congress in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.Here, at last, Kuwait made a concession and offered Saddam Hussein and his cabinet a cancellation of Iraqi debt and a loan of $500million (Musallam, 1996). However, Saddam Hussein did not accept this offer and immediately the next day, on August 1st 1990, sent Iraqi troops on the Kuwaiti border. According to Baran and Rubin (1993), Kuwaiti government perceived the meeting in Jeddah as a starting point for bargaining and perhaps even further concessions. Iraq, on the other hand, c ame only to deliver an ultimatum. This essay will now examine this financial dispute between Iraq and Kuwait in terms of international law.As the law stands, a war must be fought for a just cause. Among other things, it mainly means that a war should be waged only as a last resort, when all possible peaceful options have failed (O’Brien, 1981). With application of this rule to the frictions discussed above, it is plausible to argue that Saddam Hussein and his government did not try to solve the dispute by all peaceful options. On the one hand, they were urging Kuwait to negotiate in the beginning. On the other, when Kuwait finally offered a concession, Iraqi government rebuffed it and immediately launched an invasion of Kuwait.Clearly, this time it was Hussein’s turn to make a concession to Kuwait. Even if afterwards the bilateral negotiations would have failed, there would have been still other peaceful ways how to solve the problem, such as for example good offices, conciliation, arbitration or judicial settlement. Meanwhile, none of these were employed. From this, one can see that Iraq should not have advocated its invasion to Kuwait with an argument that Kuwait ignored all his financial needs. As the Iraqi demand was very daring, Hussein should have tried much more to bargain and make a compromise.The second pressing economic problem was the oil price. Since Iraqi oil industry accounted for 95% of country’s foreign currency earnings (CIA, 2007), petroleum was very important for Saddam Hussein, especially in the post-war years. In order to raise extra revenues necessary for the reconstruction of the country, Iraqi government needed the oil price to grow as much as possible. However, a constraint in the Iraqi plan became once again Kuwait. The Gulf State was producing more oil than Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) quotas allowed and this overproduction led to a slump of oil prices.Whereas in January 1990 a barrel of petroleum cost $20. 5, two months later it was only $18 (Freedman & Karsh, 1993). For this reason, Saddam Hussein was losing a prospect of future revenues. Consequently, Iraq demanded Kuwait to reduce its quotas in exporting oil so that the prices could grow again. This request was completely ignored from the Kuwaiti side. In fact, instead of abiding the oil limits to make more space for increased Iraqi production, Kuwait continued to far exceed them by $0. 6 million barrels a day (Salinger & Laurent, 1991).It was as if Kuwait kicked into the hornets’ nest. Iraqi foreign minister immediately declared that Kuwait was utterly and knowingly trying to bring Baghdad to its knees† (Salinger & Laurent, 1991, 37). On a meeting of Arab monarch in the spring 1990, Saddam Hussein even escalated the situation further by aggressively stating that â€Å"war doesn’t mean just tanks, artillery of ships. It can take subtler and more insidious forms, such as the overproduction of oil, economic damage and pressure to enslave a nation† (Salinger & Laurent, 1991: 31).In this way, he directly accused Kuwaiti leaders of waging a war against Iraq. Even though Kuwait never publicly acknowledged being in an economic war with Hussein’s regime, from a leaked letter between a Kuwaiti statesman and the Kuwaiti king, it became clear that a part of the Iraqi accusations was justifiable. The letter showed that Kuwait was, indeed, purposely taking an advantage of the dire economic situation in Iraq in order to put pressure on Hussein’s regime (Salinger & Laurent, 1991). But still, it was OPEC’s rules and OPEC quotas that Kuwait did not adhere to.Therefore, it was OPEC’s responsibility to deal with the problem, not Hussein’s. A lack of consensus among OPEC members about how to deal with the overproduction led to lengthy negotiations and no tangible result for a long time. At last, a few days before the invasion at an OPEC meeting, Kuwait finally agreed to abide the quotas. Nonetheless, it did not change the Iraq’s violent intention. This suggests that Hussein used his argument about the economic war only as a pretext for annexation of Kuwaiti territory.Furthermore, looking at these frictions around the oil price in terms of international law again, according to the Article 2, paragraph 3 of the UN Charter, all members must in their international relations refrain from the threat or use of force. However, there is one exception to this rule and that is self-defence. Saddam Hussein was probably well aware of the right of self-defence. Therefore, he tried to make himself look insecure and claimed that Kuwait was waging an economic war and that he was only protecting his country.Nevertheless, in the article 51 of UN Charter, it is clearly stated that a UN member has a right to self-defence â€Å"if an armed attacks occurs†. Armed is a very important word in the discussed case, because Kuwait did no t use army to intimidate Iraq and so Saddam Hussein could not justify his invasion in Kuwait with an argument of waging economic war as well. Based on the previous discussion, it can be concluded that Iraqi use of military force in The First Gulf War was not justified. In regard to the financial disputes and the issues of oil price, none of these can serve as an argument for invasion.In the first case, Saddam Hussein should have put in a more effort to make a compromise with Kuwait. In the second one, OPEC had a responsibility to solve the problem, not the Iraqi government. Moreover, as the international law stands, both Iraqi arguments were not legitimate. In general, Saddam Hussein only confirmed Aristotle’s idea, according to which tyrants are trying to make themselves look insecure but this is only because they want to obtain what is justly not theirs. Reference List: Aristotle. (1995) Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Baran, A &Rubin, B. (1993) Iraq’s Road to War. London: Macmillan Press Bulloch, J & Morris, H. (1991) Saddam War: The Origins of the Kuwaiti conflict and the International Response. London: Faber and Faber Central Intelligence Agency. (2007) Iraq Economic Data (1989-2003). Retrieved 16 August 2012 from: https://www. cia. gov/library/reports/general-reports-1/iraq_wmd_2004/chap2_annxD. html The Charter of United Nations. Retrieved 16 August 2012 from: http://www. un. org/en/documents/charter/ Freedman,L & Karsh, E. 1993) The Gulf Conflict. London: Faber and Faber Karsh, E & Rautsi, I. (1991) Why Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Survival: Global Politics and Strategy, Vol. 33 Issue 1, pages 18-30. Mussalam, M. (1996) The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. London: British Academic Press Mylroie, L. (1993) Why Saddam Hussein invaded Iraq. Orbis, Vol. 37 Issue 1. O‘Brien, W. (1981) The Conduct of Just and Limited War. New York: Praeger Salinger, P & Laurent, E. (1991) Secret Dossier: The Hidden Agenda behind the Gulf War. New Yor k: Penguin Books.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Audience Expectations in Horror Movie Trailers Essay

How genre conventions are used to raise audience expectations in horror movie trailers. ‘The word genre means ‘type’ or ‘category’’ (Teach yourself film studies) it is really important as an audience member to recognise genres as then things become categorised and easier for them to understand which is more comforting. Sometimes however genres are crossed and categories are broken for example sometimes we have ‘action thrillers’ or ‘sci-fi horrors’ this is known as a hybrid genre. This often intrigues the audience and draws them to the film as it changes their outlook as they have no expectations for the film as they have never been exposed to this genre before. The horror genre was created to frighten/disturb an audience. Cherry (2009) reinforces this theory ‘The function of horror – to scare, shock, revolt or otherwise horrify the viewer’. These are the main conventions of a horror movie often portrayed using fast cuts, heart racing music, flashing images, unknown creatures and darkened places. ‘Horror is an ancient art form’ ( which is still popular today because of the emotions it evokes, the audience feel comfortable with the horror genre as the generic conventions have not changed drastically over the years, the audience knows what to expect. The iconic symbols of horror such as haunted houses, unknown creatures, darkened places and flashing images are still used in all modern horror movies, although the genre evolves to fit around the era and to appeal to that audience. ‘Genres are not static, they evolve their common attributes change over time’ (Teach yourself film studies), this is because genres need to become more current for example what disturbed/terrified audiences 10 years ago may not effect audiences today. Today most audiences are terrified by the paranormal and ghostly experiences, the trailers for ‘Paranormal Activity’, ‘Insidious’ and ‘Don’t be Afraid of the Dark’ are all based around this theme but use different generic conventions to portray their theme. Paranormal Activity was released in 2007 and is an independent film costing only $11,000 to produce, the trailer proved uncomfortable to audiences as the generic conventions were broken. The trailer was not the usual blockbuster horror that audiences expect to see, it was shot in an average home with a home camera, the camera angles are shaky and unprofessional and the actors are unknown which gives the feel that these are real events. Also the trailer not only shows clips of the movie but the audience reaction to what they are witnessing. This keeps the audience interested in the genre as they are not used to seeing an audience reaction – they are intrigued as to why the audien ce are so frightened; therefore want to see the film. ‘We derive basic thrills from triggering the rush of adrenalin which fear brings’ ( Paranormal Activity reinforces this theory as it became a huge hit world-wide although it was such a low budget independent film. Paranormal Activity focuses on a young couple moving into a new home which is supposed to be an exciting time and people can relate to this as everyone has moved house at some point, the fact that the film is based in a normal household immediately alarms the audience. The sounds used in the trailer for Paranormal Activity are very effective as you can hear lots of screaming and fear but it is not in the film its self, it’s the audience that we’re first shown this film. Insidious was released in 2010 and was created by the same director as Paranormal Activity (James Wan) this draws in an audience immediately as people who are familiar with the directors work are immediately drawn to the film. Like Paranormal Activity, Insidious is also an independent film however the budget for this film was a lot higher at $1,500,000. The look the production company gave to this film is also a lot more professional as there are no home cameras and shaky camera angles. However this film does still use unknown actors, since doing my research I have noticed that the majority of horror films use unknown actors to make their film feel more realistic. Insidious is also based around the paranormal theme which shows that audiences in this era are frightened by the paranormal ghostly experience this must be working as insidious took in a gross of ‘$53,991,137’ ( Also Insidious uses children and a family in a ‘normal’ home this immediately effects the audience as they can relate it to their own lives. The horror genre has become more realistic like this as instead of using zombies, vampires and made up creatures the genre has become more based around real life and what could actually happen as it affects the audience in a more psychological way. Also using children in the trailer will immediately effect parents as they start to imagine what they would do if that was their child and how it would affect them which straight away frightens them and evokes unwanted emotions/thoughts ‘I can speak for all parents when I say the loss of a child has to be pretty much the worst thing that could ever happen to them’ ( I have also looked at the film trailer for â€Å"Don’t be Afraid of the Dark† which was released in 2011. This film is from a different director to Paranormal Activity and Insidious however it follows a similar plot and has the paranormal ghostly edge. The budget for this film was much higher than both Paranormal Activity and Insidious at $25,000,000 the trailer is very stereotypical and uses the typical conventions of a horror trailer as it consists of multiple flashing images, heart racing music, darkness and unknown creatures. The sound used in a trailer is very important as fast paced non-diegetic music is usually played throughout the trailer which subconsciously makes the audience feel on edge and worried, also the diegetic sounds used such as loud bangs, creaky floorboards and screams make the audience jump. Putting both of these non-diegetic and diegetic sounds together creates tension and an uncomfortable atmosphere. Don’t be Afraid of the Dark also uses a small child within the film; this is quite controversial and usually makes older members of the audience feel uncomfortable as they imagine it as their own child. Also using a small child shows an extreme amount of vulnerability as small children cannot fend for themselves and they are not as strong as an adult. ‘How does the speed of what we see compare to watching a clip from a film?’ (Teaching trailers) the speed of what we see in the trailer gives the audience a taste of what to expect in the film. The trailer starts of slowly to attract the audience’s attention and get them interested in what they are watching, then the speed builds up to alarm the audience and frighten them once this has happened the trailers slows back down to an average speed to give the audience time to react and think about what t hey just witnessed. When comparing the three trailers together they are all very similar as they are all based around a paranormal scenario and they all evoke the ‘scared/frightened’ emotion to an audience. Also two of the trailers use children which takes away the innocence of a stereotypical child and makes the audience feel uncomfortable as the ordinary has been changed. Paranormal activity breaks the boundaries of the horror genre the most by showing the audience reactions within the trailer as this had never been done before which attracted a wide audience and made a lot of money. It also got a lot more publicity and became an extremely famous well known film purely because it took the audiences expectation of a horror film and changed it. However Insidious and Don’t be Afraid of the Dark are very stereotypical horror films using obvious frightening objects in their trailers which have been used throughout the history of the horror genre. The set-up of these trailers is also very stereotypical and expected because of the fast paced heart racing sounds and the fast paced flashing images. I also think it is important that all of the actors in these films are unknown ‘why are we told who is starring in the film?’ (Teaching trailers) this is because well-known actors with a huge fan base attracts audiences to a film, however with the horror genre this does not work as audiences cannot get a realistic feel as they are familiar with the actor and their work. This is why I think all of the films work well as none of the actors are very well known. To conclude I think that genre is used in all of these trailers to raise the audience’s expectations but in very different experimental ways and this is successful, the ‘horror’ genre is visible throughout all of the trailers and they have all attracted a wide audience using some different experimental or stereotypical expected techniques. Bibliography Cherry, Brigid. (2009) Horror. Oxon: Routledge. Wilson, Karina. (2001-2011) Horror Film History. Available from: (Accessed: 26th October 2011) (2011) (Accessed: 26th October 2011) (2011) (Accessed: 26th October 2011) Title: Teach yourself film studies Title: Teaching trailers

Random Acts of Kindness

During one of my Online Facebook sessions, I was watching a video on random acts of kindness called â€Å"Validation†, it reminded me that performing random acts of kindness like simply complimenting people is something that I need to incorporate more into my life on a regular basis. I actually had a warm feeling inside knowing that many people have done so many kind things to me. I too have done many kind things to others; but, I had still not decided to incorporate this small thing into my life. I immediately realized that life is about being a blessing to others; however, there are times when people need to see tangible things done for them.When we give things that are tangible, it is one way to help others see Christ in us. I found out that there are many ways to show random acts of kindness. I had the opportunity to put this concept into action in several ways since our last class. On November 3rd 2013 I experienced firsthand what a difference I can make in young children ’s lives by spending time with them and telling them about a wonderful savior that has a given a free gift and that all we have to do is except him into our lives.I and my family lived in the Central part of Beavercreek Oregon in a 1800 square foot house on an eighth of an acre. We had a pretty good life as kids and there was always food on the table in our house. At the age of 18 I had decided to get involved in my church I had been attending for a little over a year. I talked to the pastor and got a hold of the Children’s ministry Pastor and she set me up to help with a class 4 days later. When I stepped into the classroom I immediately was overwhelmed with joy and a heart serve really serve these young children.After that first day I had many compliments about what an amazing impact I had on these kids and I now volunteer every other week there. Remember that your life can make a huge impact on people young and old. We have a savior that died for us on a cross and w e should return that favor by serving others. I hope you are impacted by this essay in someway and that you can start to make a difference in your community. As a you follower of God I have learned that through prayer and trust in the lord that he knows what is right for all of his children that we can make a difference.If we rely on God and not on our own understanding we are destined for success. John 3:16 says, For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life. All we have to except this free gift that God has given us and you will be saved. God sent his only son Jesus to come down to this earth to die on the cross for our sins so we can have the hope of heaven and not have to a die a horrible death. I hope you can come to know your savior and believe in the one who created you.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gene Splicing Essays

Gene Splicing Essays Gene Splicing Essay Gene Splicing Essay The Future Evolution of Human: Gene Splicing Gene Splicing: Survival of the Fittest Long ago stories, legends, and myths were created describing humans who were infused with the body parts of animal. Creatures such as mermaids, centaurs, and Satyrs were placed into our minds and we could only imagine what it would be like to meet these creatures. They became so numerous that they were given a category, Anthropomorphism. Over time and with our knowledge of science increasing, body parts that may have been considered to be part of Anthropomorphism were explainable. Webbed hands and feet, humans being born with a tail; and even being born with an extra appendage like an extra toe or finger are no longer a disfiguring ailment. But what if Anthropomorphism wasn’t just a myth? What if they were a new stage in human evolution? Scientists in many fields have hypothesized that humanity like the dinosaur will eventually die out, so what will it take for humanity to survive? Dr Joseph Alter, a Professor of Anthropology, believes that with the biotechnology available today, we could see human being born with animal DNA. This new breed could be stronger, faster, and immune to diseases that regular humans would not be able to survive. In his article, The Once and Future â€Å"Apeman†, Chimeras, Human Evolution, and Disciplinary Coherence, Dr. Alter states that â€Å"It helps us translate the obvious, that our kinship to animals is closer and more intimate than we have thought, both in fact ( with reference to the evolutionary record ) and in principle. † (640) While many may take either a religious and/or negative moral viewpoint to this type of science, the time may come when this science is necessary to continue any kind of human species. : Dr. Jarod Diamond in his book, â€Å"Collapse, How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed believes that the current society will eventually collapse due to may reasons, but one of the biggest the loss of natural resources. These resources, such as fossil fuels, land, and forests will make humans have to search for other means to continue living. In today’s current society most humans will not survive. We have become a society of comfort. Dr. Diamond states we are one big epidemic (disease) from having our civilization collapse. But with a re-combination of our genes with animals, we raise the ercentage of survival. Since the first days of cloning, the eventual next steps were to clone humans, but after that where would we go? Dr. Alter states that after cloning the next step would be gene manipulation and gene splicing. â€Å" With the advent of culture we did stop being animals. But neither did we ever just become human. We made ourselves into human-which raises the question h ow far that process can and should be taken. †(642) Less than 50 years ago, this process was an idea, a form of science fiction, but the discussion can now be made that society has turned that page. With embryonic stem cells, we have been able to generate new organs. What used to be done only in nature; is now being re-created inside of a laboratory. Science fiction has become science fact. Why should gene splicing and gene manipulation not have the same chance? With any new science, there are morale questions that become asked. Is this real science? Are we playing God and creating a new species? What if this new species of man attacks or destroys our current society? The reality is science already predicts the end of man. Our civilization has increased exponentially over the year. Currently we have about 7 billion people alone on the planet. Resources are being depleted at quadruple the rate more than 100 years ago. Global warming has changed the weather patterns on the planet to levels not ever seen or recorded. Yet currently in western society we keep wasting resources as if they will never end. That is why we need to start looking at a merger between animals and man. The best of both worlds. The animal instincts and mans ability for adaption. The science to gene manipulation and gene splicing leads us back to the question, are we playing God? In a secular sense, yes, but what religion fails to see is that man and animal have had a connection that extends through our genetics. We share DNA with many animals, but certain DNA have long been turned off because we evolved to our current state. As Dr Marilyn Strathern was quoted as saying, â€Å"relatives are always a surprise and biotechnology extends the scope of kinship along with all of its social entailments. (642) While religion asks that we not engage in this discussion, there will come a time when it must be discussed and a possible plan must be put in place for the end of humanity. All options must be considered, and gene splicing is one of those options. How would we achieve this chimera of man and animal? Both through nature and nurture, we have the means today to make it possible. Breeding of the species is one way. The best example of mixed breeding is the Liger. The half lion / half tiger can be bred and then created in a lab. While the breeding does not allow for the new animal to have children, the breeding creates a bigger and stronger animal than the individual animals used to create the Liger. Nature has done most of the work, but now nurture must take over. We must try and adapt these new species with other species. The new hybrid of man will need to get used to their new abilities, senses, and feelings. No new species could survive without nurture, we must make them understand that they are new and with anything new comes fear and misunderstanding. We must give them space to grow and adapt to their new environment. It does not sound like a simple task but it must be done for survival to occur. While I do believe that gene splicing is the future of man, I also realize that by the time we realize that it must be done, it will be too late. Our western civilization is dominated by the Bible and by religion. Just as embryonic stem cell research has grinded to a halt in the United States due to the belief that we are â€Å"killing children† to save ourselves, so there will be many that balk on the idea that they should bond with an animal to survive. The idea has great potential but without money and the right political backing, then this idea that man will merge with other animals will remain an idea. Our civilization will not collapse tomorrow but after reading Dr. Alters proposal I see that there is hope and a future via bio-technology. The philosopher, George Santayana, was quoted as saying â€Å"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it†. In anthropology we study humankind throughout time, to learn about ourselves and maybe not make the same mistakes as our previous ancestors. Unfortunately, we, the humankind are not learning from our past mistakes and are on a downward spiral to eventual oblivion. References Alter, Joseph; The Once and Future â€Å"Apeman† Chimeras, Human Evolution, and Disciplinary Coherence. Current Anthropology Vol 48, Num 5 October 2007. Diamond, Jarod: Collapse; How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Viking Penguin Group, NY, NY. 2005. Keister-inman,Clinton Van; â€Å"The Face of the Super Humanity† Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology; Volume 2, 2009

A Brief Timeline of Events in America - 1851-1860

A Brief Timeline of Events in America - 1851-1860 The time between 1851 and 1860 was one of great upheaval in United States history.   1851   The Treaty of Traverse des Sioux is signed with the Sioux Indians. They agree to give up their lands in Iowa and almost all of Minnesota.  The New York Daily Times appears. This will be renamed the New York Times in 1857.  A fire occurs at the Library of Congress, destroying 35,000 books.  Moby Dick is published by Herman Melville.   1852   Uncle Toms Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly is published to great success by Harriet Beecher Stowe.  Uncle Sam appears for the first time in a comic publication in New York.  Franklin Pierce wins the presidency.  The Know Nothing Party is created as a Nativist party opposed to Catholics and immigrants.   1853 The Coinage Act of 1853 is passed by Congress, reducing the amount of silver in coins smaller than a dollar.  Vice President William King dies on April 18th. President Pierce does not appoint a new Vice President for the rest of his time in office.  Mexico gives land along the southern border of present-day Arizona and New Mexico in exchange for $15 million.   1854 The Kansas-Nebraska Act is proposed that would separate the central Kansas Territory into two with the idea that the individuals in the territories would decide for themselves whether they would be free or slave. However, this was opposed to the Missouri Compromise of 1820 because they were both above latitude 36 °30. The act is later passed on May 26th. Eventually this area would be called Bleeding Kansas due to the fighting that would occur over the question of whether the area would be slave or free. In October, Abraham Lincoln gives a speech condemning the act.  The Republican Party is formed by anti-slavery individuals who oppose the Kansas-Nebraska Act.  Commodore Mathew Perry and the Japanese sign the Treaty of Kanagawa opening ports up to trade with the US.  The Ostend Manifesto is created declaring the US right to purchase Cuba or take it by force if Spain does not agree to sell it. When it is published in 1855, it meets with negative public reaction.Walden is publis hed by transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau.   1855 Over the course of the year, a virtual civil war happens in Kansas between pro- and anti-slavery forces.  Frederick Douglass publishes his autobiography entitled My Bondage, My Freedom.  Walt Whitman publishes Leaves of Grass.   1856 Charles Sumner is beaten with a cane by Preston Brooks on the floor of the Senate for an anti-slavery speech. He does not recover fully for three years.  Lawrence, Kansas is the center of violence in Kansas when pro-slavery men kill an anti-slavery settler. Anti-slavery men led by John Brown then retaliate killing five pro-slavery men leading to the name Bleeding Kansas.  James Buchanan is elected as president of the United States.   1857 A pro-slavery legislature in Kansas passes the Lecompton Resolution which an election of delegates to a Constitutional Convention. Buchanan supports the eventual Convention even though it favors pro-slavery forces. It is later approved and then rejected. It becomes a point of contention with the president and Congress. It is finally sent back to Kansas for a popular vote in 1858. However, they choose to reject it. Therefore, Kansas will not be admitted as a state until 1860.  The Supreme Court decides in that slaves are property and that Congress has no right to deprive citizens of their property.  The Panic of 1857 begins. It will last two years and the failure of thousands of businesses.   1858 Minnesota becomes the 32nd state to the enter the Union. It is a free state.  Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas meet in seven debates across Illinois where they discuss slavery and sectionalism. Douglas will win the election, but Lincoln becomes a key figure in national politics.   1859 Oregon joins the Union as a free state.  Silver is discovered in Nevada leads more people out west to make their fortune.  The first American oil well is created when Edwin Drake finds oil in Pennsylvania.  John Brown leads a raid at Harpers Ferry to seize the federal arsenal. He is a devoted abolitionist who wishes to create a territory for fugitive slaves. However, he is captured by a force led by Robert E. Lee. He is found guilty of treason and hanged in Charlestown, Virginia.   1860 The Pony Express begins between St. Joseph, Missouri and Sacramento, California.  Abraham Lincoln wins the presidency after a hard fought campaign centering on the issues of sectionalism and slavery.  South Carolina decides to secede from the Union. The state militia takes over the Federal arsenal at Charleston.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Medicinal use of marijuana essays

Medicinal use of marijuana essays In society today, there are many serious diseases that plague nations all across the world. Diseases like Glaucoma, Epilepsy, Parkinsons disease, and migraine headaches. What do all of these serious illnesses have in common? Every one of theses sicknesses can be cured or helped by the use of Marijuana. Throughout this paper I will discuss the positive aspects of Marijuana. This issue has been raising a lot of eyebrows ever since scientific evidence has been provided that links Marijuana to the cure and decrease of certain illnesses. The main reason that Marijuana has been looked down upon by so many people for so long is because many individuals abuse the drug. An obvious setback to legalizing marijuana for medicinal uses is that the number of people that abuse the drug will undoubtedly increase. I decided upon the question Should Marijuana be Medicine? because I wanted to confirm my strong beliefs of an anti-drug policy, but after research, my attitude towards medical marijuana changed because it seems the benefits far out-weigh the risks. Of the 60 some chemicals unique to the marijuana plant, the main psychoactive ingredient and the one for exploring the physiological as well as the psychological role in the anandamide system is delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or more commonly known as THC. The anandamide system is concerned with mood, memory and cognition, perception, movement, coordination, sleep, thermoregulation, appetite, and immune response. Cannabis is the term used to describe the dried hemp spike. When burned and inhaled, the cannabis receptors bond to the macrophages in the brain and spine, which control the anandamide system. Macrophages are chemicals in the body, which attack the infected areas in the body and help take away the waste from an injury. THC acts as a catalyst in this process. It speeds up the macrophages disposal of the waste and is why therapeutic relief comes as such...

Tips to Manage Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom

Tips to Manage Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom Teaching adults is very different from teaching children. If you are new to teaching adults, you have hopefully been provided with training in this area, but if not, take steps to prepare yourself. Start with crucial skills and principles for teachers of adults. Establishing Norms Setting classroom norms is one of the best methods of classroom management. Hang a flip chart or poster, or dedicate a section of the whiteboard, if you have space,  and list expected classroom behaviors for everyone to see. Refer to this list when disruptions occur. Using a flip chart or whiteboard can be especially useful because you can involve students in the construction of the list on the first day. Start with a few of your own expectations and ask the group for additional suggestions. When you all agree on how you want the classroom to be managed, disruptions are minimal. List of Norms Start and end on timeTurn off or silence cell phonesSave texting for breaksRespect the contributions of othersBe open to new ideasResolve differences calmlyStay on topic Saving Questions for Later Its always a good idea to address questions of any kind when they occur because curiosity provides fabulous teaching moments, but sometimes it just isnt appropriate to get off track. Many teachers use a flip chart or whiteboard as a holding place for such questions to ensure theyre not forgotten. Call your holding place something appropriate to your topic. Be creative. When a question being held is eventually answered, mark it off the list. Managing Mild Disruptions Unless youve got a completely obnoxious student in your classroom, chances are good that disruptions, when they do occur, will be fairly mild and call for mild management techniques. These include disruptions like chatting in the back of the room, texting, or someone who is argumentative or disrespectful. Try one, or more of the following tactics: Make eye contact with the disruptive person.Remind the group of the agreed-upon norms.Move toward the disruptive person.Stand directly in front of the person.Be silent and wait for the disruption to end.Acknowledge the input, put it in your parking lot if appropriate, and move on.You may be right.Thanks for your comment.How about if we park that comment and come back to it later?Ask for help from the group.What does everyone else think?Rearrange the seating if you think it will help.Call for a break. Handling Persistent Disruptions For more serious problems, or if the disruption persists, rely on these steps to conflict resolution: Speak with the person privately.Confront the behavior, not the person.Speak for yourself only, not the class.Seek to understand the reason for the disruption.Ask the person to recommend a solution.Review your expectations of classroom behavior, if necessary.Try to get agreement on expected norms.Explain any consequences of continued disruptions. Sharing Challenges Its generally unprofessional to share frustrations about individual students with other teachers who may be influenced toward that person in the future. This doesnt mean you cant consult with others, but you should choose your confidants carefully.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Not All Iron Is Magnetic (Magnetic Elements)

Not All Iron Is Magnetic (Magnetic Elements) Heres an element factoid for you: Not all iron is magnetic. The a allotrope is magnetic, yet when the temperature increases so that the a form changes to the b form, the magnetism disappears even though the lattice doesnt change. Key Takeaways: Not All Iron Is Magnetic Most people think of iron as a magnetic material. Iron is ferromagnetic (attracted to magnets), but only within a certain temperature range and other specific conditions.Iron is magnetic in its ÃŽ ± form. The ÃŽ ± form occurs below a special temperature called the Curie point, which is 770  Ã‚ °C. Iron is paramagnetic above this temperature and only weakly attracted to a magnetic field.Magnetic materials consist of atoms with partially-filled electron shells. So, most magnetic materials are metals. Other magnetic elements include nickel and cobalt.Nonmagnetic (diamagnetic) metals include copper, gold, and silver. Why Iron Is Magnetic (Sometimes) Ferromagnetism is the mechanism by which materials are attracted to magnets and form permanent magnets. The word actually means iron-magnetism because that is the most familiar example of the phenomenon and the one scientists first studied. Ferromagnetism is a quantum mechanical property of a material. It depends on its microstructure and crystalline state, which can be affected by temperature and composition. The quantum mechanical property is determined by the behavior of electrons. Specifically, a substance needs a magnetic dipole moment in order to be a magnet, which comes from atoms with partially-filled electron shells. Atoms will filled electron shells are not magnetic because they have a net dipole moment of zero. Iron and other transition metals have partially-filled electrons shells, so some of these elements and their compounds are magnetic. In atoms of magnetic elements nearly all of the dipoles align below a special temperature called the Curie point. For iron, the Curie point occurs at 770  Ã‚ °C. Below this temperature, iron is ferromagnetic (strongly attracted to a magnet), but above it the iron changes its crystalline structure and become paramagnetic (only weakly attacted to a magnet). Other Magnetic Elements Iron isnt the only element that displays magnetism. Nickel, cobalt, gadolinium, terbium, and dysprosium are also ferromagnetic. As with iron, the magnetic properties of these elements depends on their crystal structure and whether the metal is below its Curie point. ÃŽ ±-iron, cobalt, and nickel are ferromagnetic, while ÃŽ ³-iron, manganese, and chromium are antiferromagnetic. Lithium gas is magnetic when cooled below 1 kelvin. Under certain condition, manganese, the actinides (e.g., plutonium and neptunium), and ruthenium are ferromagnetic. While magnetism most often occurs in metals, it also occurs rarely in nonmetals. Liquid oxygen, for example, may be trapped between the poles of a magnet! Oxygen has unpaired electrons, allowing it to react to a magnet. Boron is another nonmetal that displays paramagnetic attraction greater than its diamagnetic repulsion. Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Steel Steel is an iron-based alloy. Most forms of steel, including stainless steel, are magnetic. There are two broad types of stainless steels which display different crystal lattice structures from one another. Ferritic stainless steels are iron-chromium alloys that are ferromagnetic at room temperature. While normally unmagnetized, ferritic steel become magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field and remain magnetized for some time after the magnet is removed. The metal atoms in ferritic stainless steel are arranged in a body-centered (bcc) lattic. Austenitic stainless steels tend to be nonmagnetic. These steels contain atoms arranged in a face-centered cubic (fcc) lattice. The most popular type of stainless steel, Type 304, contains iron, chromium, and nickel (each magnetic on its own). Yet, atoms in this alloy usually have the fcc lattice structure, resulting in a nonmagnetic alloy. Type 304 does become partly ferromagnetic if the steel is bent at room temperature. Metals That Arent Magnetic While some metals are magnetic, most are not. Key examples include copper, gold, silver, lead, aluminum, tin, titanium, zinc, and bismuth. These elements and their alloys are diamagnetic. Nonmagnetic alloys include brass and bronze. These metals weakly repel magnets, but not usually enough that the effect is noticeable. Carbon is a strongly diamagnetic nonmetal. In fact, some types of graphite repel magnets strongly enough to levitate a strong magnet. Source Devine, Thomas. Why dont magnets work on some stainless steels? Scientific American.

15 Frequently Confused Pairs of Nouns

15 Frequently Confused Pairs of Nouns 15 Frequently Confused Pairs of Nouns 15 Frequently Confused Pairs of Nouns By Mark Nichol To help keep your writing crisp and precise, observe the distinctions between each pair of similar or closely associated words below: 1. admission/admittance: Admission is the act of being admitted, or allowed to join or enter; admittance is almost identical in meaning but is usually associated with permission (or lack thereof). 2. avocation/vocation: An avocation is a hobby or pursuit, as distinct from a vocation job or career. The former is derived from a word with the literal meaning of â€Å"called away,† and the latter is an antonym; it literally means â€Å"calling† and is related to the word voice. 3. bloc/block: Bloc refers to an alliance of people, groups, or countries. It is the French version of block, which may be but seldom is used to refer to the same concept. 4. bonds/bounds: A bond, among other meanings, is a restraint, so it is similar in meaning to bound, which means â€Å"extent, or limit† (as in boundary). But they are complementary, not interchangeable; one is bound with bonds. 5. cement/concrete: Technically, cement is the powder that constitutes the base of concrete, so any mass of material formed from a moistened mixture of cement and other ingredients should be referred to as concrete. 6. crevice/crevasse: A crevice is a narrow crack; crevasse, from the French version of the word, is a specific term for a large fissure in the ground or in ice. 7. dilemma/difficulty: A dilemma is a particular type of problem exacerbated by the fact that no solution is satisfactory. (The etymology of the word assumes only two possibilities, but it can apply to any number.) The term sometimes applies to any difficult decision but like many words is best reserved for a usefully distinct meaning. 8. dogma/doctrine: Dogma is employed as a synonym for doctrine especially in religious contexts, but the definition of the latter is â€Å"a statement or principle,† and the former often has the connotation of repressively authoritarian, rather than authoritative, opinion. (There’s another distinctive pair of words the former meaning â€Å"absolute† and the latter referring to expertise.) 9. ecology/environment: These words are often used interchangeably, but ecology has the more distinct connotation of a system of interrelationship between an environment and the organisms that inhabit it. 10. elegy/eulogy: An elegy is a sorrowful composition, usually for a person or a personification that is literally or figuratively dead. A eulogy, on the other hand, is a statement of praise for a deceased person. 11. empathy/sympathy: Empathy refers to the action of vicariously experiencing the thoughts and emotions of another, and the capacity for doing so, whereas sympathy is the mere act of consolation or feeling compassion. 12. ethics/morals: Ethics are, collectively, the principles of conduct according to a philosophy of moral behavior. The distinction between the two terms is one of theory as opposed to practice. 13. gamut/gauntlet: A gamut is a range. A gauntlet (or gantlet) is a glove. Confusion between the two unrelated words stems from the fact that you can run either one: To run the gamut is to move along a spectrum of choices; to run the gauntlet is to endure the punishment of literally or figuratively passing through a series of ordeals. (Originally, it referred to a double line of soldiers who rained blows on the victim.) 14. review/revue: The latter word is derived from the French form of the former term, but in the sense of a form of entertainment involving songs, skits, and other performances usually commenting on recent publicized events, only it is applicable. A similar production might be termed something like â€Å"The Year in Review,† but a production of musical and/or comical pieces is a revue. 15. tenant/tenet: These terms, unrelated in meaning, do share etymology: Each stems from the Latin word for â€Å"to hold,† the same one that is the root of tenacious. But a tenant is a person or other entity that holds property, and a tenet is an idea held to be true. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Slang Terms for Money5 Lessons for Mixing Past and Present TenseEnglish Grammar 101: Sentences, Clauses and Phrases

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Housing Market Bubble Burst Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Housing Market Bubble Burst - Research Paper Example The research paper "The Housing Market Bubble Burst" discusses why the housing market bubble burst in 2006 by analyzing the situation from the demand-supply perspective. The burgeoning demand got fuelled due to the availability of cheap credits from the lending institutions such as banks and others. Initial genuine demand from the needy people gets mixed up with the demand from the speculators who take the advantage of available cheap credits start inflating the demand. Demand surpassing supply, prices begin to jump. This is further fueled by the burgeoning economy and good GDP numbers quarter to quarter misguiding masses and almost everybody that this is a genuine demand. The unfortunate part is that in a free economy such as the US, the government cannot intervene directly. Gradually, market reaches to a saturation level where there is no further demand. Meanwhile, supply also keeps pace with the demand. The phenomenon continues for a long time. Underlying weaknesses are not notice d immediately. As in the case of U.S housing scenario, demand between 1993 and 2006 was inflated due to cheap credit that was available coupled with demand from investors aka speculators. It is difficult to estimate but experts say demand from speculators in any rising market is between 60-70 percent. Speculators will hold until they notice the first sign of weakness in the market. All the speculative demand will now take a reversal to book profit. Supply pressure will increase with less and less demand. A downward trend will take many into trappings. A reversal in economy means increased unemployment rate and that will make many people insolvent to pay for their mortgage liabilities. This will eventually lead to foreclosures further increasing the supply manifold. A phenomenon continues until a point where prices are lucrative enough to cause supply matches demand. Prices remain afloat at this level for quite a long time. The point to emphasize here is that artificial demand cannot sustain the housing price for a long and that is what exactly happened. (Thomas, 2006) What Next Given the phenomena of housing bubble burst from the peak of 2006, a question remains to be answered whether housing price has reached to its lowest or there is still a possibility of housing prices going further down to reach its old levels. There are many proponents of the theory that there would be another housing bubble bursting soon or for that matter to say that a downward phenomenon will continue. Ilargi (2011) argues that credit in the US is quickly vanishing. He further states that Treasury and the Federal Reserve are lending our own money. Moreover, the future economic conditions in US will create a severe debt scarcity. The foremost reason given by several analysts is that of the debt saturation that the US economy has almost reached-- a point where total income cannot support total debt. It is also said that new debt cannot increase any GDP. According to them, the U.S househ old debt-income ratio was 136 percent in the first quarter of 2008, which currently is stated to be at 126 percent. Before 2001, it was found to be just 70 percent. In order to reduce debt-income ratio to the reasonable level, current debt needs to be reduced by about $6-trillion. But so far only $600-billion of household debt has been reduced. This proves that American debt has reached to a saturation level and it cannot be increased further. On the other hand, that is being replaced with the in surmountable growth of US government debt. (Ilargi 2011) Housing

Health in education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health in education - Assignment Example In order to ensure children’s good health, the role of teachers, parents, the community, and the environment cannot be underplayed. Their contribution in any way offers vital information regarding their mental, physical, emotional, and social well-being. Health education for all the stakeholders; students, parents, teachers, and health professional is essential. This helps equip everyone with necessary information concerning procedures, steps to be taken, and ideal safety measures that need to be observed so that good health for children is ensured. Whatever observations have been made concerning the health of a child by the teacher, parent, or community is vital and essential in identifying changes in the health status of a child. More often than not, teachers and parents refer these types of illnesses and many others to the appropriate health professionals such as counselors. Counseling is a vital component of the coordinated early childhood health since it helps address health issues such as trauma, stress disorders, etc. Counseling can also help families appreciate and understand the need for professional health care especially in circumstances that they do not seem to see the need. As noted earlier, the community, parents, and teachers are only observers and cannot in any way attempt to diagnose the health problems of a child. This is where health services come in handy since it is the responsibility for health practitioners to diagnose and recommend proper actions.

Friday, October 18, 2019

HR case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HR case study - Essay Example It is generally accepted that this high rate is due to the above-average aptitudes of the personnel in the department has its own in-house set of training courses and purchases â€Å"space† in various seminar classes. These programs are geared to making the employee significantly more valuable to the department. The managers in the programming department have been very proud of the development of their personnel and feel that education from all sources has improved departmental performances. Recently, however, the system seemed to backfire in the programming department. Ezra Brooks, a very bright and aspiring young programmer for whom management had high hopes, quit. Ezra had found that the extensive intraorganization training, the invaluable work experience, and a newly awarded college diploma represented a fairly lucrative portfolio of credentials, which he took to a large national accounting firm. Ezra had expressed a desire to stay, but he was told that there were no anticipated openings at managerial levels in the computer area. Ezra’s manager had a dilemma. Loss of Ezra meant a ten-month setback for the project Ezra was working on. He also felt that the extensive training Ezra had received at the company’s expense was little utilized compared to what Ezra would have contributed had he remained with the company. However, the manager’s greatest concern was that Ezra was the first in a group of several employees who would graduate from college under company sponsorship in the near future. Ezra had shown to the remaining group that if the firm would not recognize his achievement and aspirations, other employment could be easily found. The case clearly reveals that Ezra Brooks is a valuable employee for the organization. He has been given training to improve his computer programming skills such that he could easily secure his aspired job in some other big firm. Since he seems to be under no obligation to say back and complete the ongoing

Immigration Policy Reforms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Immigration Policy Reforms - Essay Example (Bush, et al, ix) Statement of your position Immigration is a deep â€Å"human issue† as it is concerned with the lives of large number of families and individuals. Immigration deals with the question of American citizenship and helps in shaping up the image of the American nation in the eyes of the world. (Bush, et al, ix) Policy reforms should act as support base for immigrants who come to America to see better opportunities that were lacking in their home countries. My approach to the paper In this paper immigration policy reforms are critically analyzed after seeing through the lens of the American Enlightenment. The point that I have stressed in this paper is that only through legalization of the status of the immigrants can they prove to be beneficial to the country policy reforms should look out for solution by combining the perspective of both federalists and anti-federalists. Immigration in US during the era of Enlightenment The problem of immigration was also a matte r of concern for the Enlightenment leaders like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. The land of America was increasing becoming a â€Å"dumping ground for the European undesirables†. They were concerned with growing number of German immigrants in the eighteenth century. The Germans came from a completely different social background than those of the Americans, and the increasing number of German population within the borders of America were proving to be incompatible with the republican democracy (Zolberg). Comparative and Analysis Social contract (representative governance) In the global arena, America is recognised as the â€Å"nation of immigrants†. This makes it easier for people from all over the world to enter the borders of America. It is a challenge for the policymakers to distinguish â€Å"illusory immigration problems from real problems.† There has been a tendency to neglect the issue of immigration. This â€Å"policy of benign neglect† is n o longer viable in current times. During the last decade, there have been a number of efforts to reform the immigration policies. There has been improvement in the security of the borders. The statuses of people who seek employment are being verified by the employers. The focus of every immigration policy should be on both border security and migrant workers. Ignoring any one of them cannot make any policy successful (â€Å"The Real Problem with Immigration...and the Real Solution†). During the civil war in the nineteenth century, immigration was specifically encouraged in America. From 1882 onwards, the immigration policies started to focus on restricting the flow of immigrants. This was done to protect the nation from undesirable people from foreign countries. People with contagious diseases like tuberculosis were not allowed to enter the nation to protect the health policies. People with immoral characters and polygamists were also restricted (Williamson 184). Classical Li beralism (natural rights) Classical liberalism defines specific activities for the government. The role of the government should be to protect the rights of individuals with relation to property, religion, freedom of speech and press. There should also be the system of â€Å"free markets† to ensure a smooth economic life (Hudelson 37). The continuous flow of immigrants into America can threaten the practice of classical liberalism. The major concern is that the various cultural and economic backgrounds of the

Marketing Management - Today's business environment Essay

Marketing Management - Today's business environment - Essay Example This is so because success is based on an organisation's ability to create, rather than predict the future by developing those products that will literally transform the way the world thinks and view it self and the needs (Kanter 1995:71). Within the context of today's global competition, businesses and firms no-longer compete as individual companies but try to corporate with other businesses in their activities (Wu & Chien 2007:2). These researchers went further to argue that, this strategy has become quite common in many businesses including the retail clothing chain stores. The conventional vertical integrated company based business model is gradually being replaced by collaborative relationship between many fragmented, but complementary and specialized value stars and constellation (Wu & Chien:1). This paper argues for the importation of a new technological home entertainment product Nintendo into the Australian market. The paper seeks to asses the product, the market positioning and competitor's analysis of the new products. According to Johnson et al (2007), the SWOT Analysis, or sometimes known as the TOWS Matrix, is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in a project or in a business venture or in other situation of an organization or individual requiring a decision (Johnson et al 2007). Market analysis of competitors, suppliers, customers and potential opportunities has long been a competitive preparation of the staple firm (Johnson & Scholes 2007). Strengths High Growth Industry Few direct competitors Beautiful location Stores will be located on short drive from populated areas Distribution channels and resources already in place with hotel A must have household products My personal background in home entertainment and household name of the distributive channels in Australia Wise environmental practices and community citizenship Sustainable supply 5% of the products profit will be used to support community organization Self directed teams self responsibilities Haven entertainment for families Unique service and product offerings Weaknesses Seasonal Fluctuations Refurbishment costs Insurance Safety concerns Others competitors such as Sony and Microsoft improving on their product chain everyday. Opportunities Expansion within grounds Franchise possibilities Strategic alliances Technology Extensive customer base It is a must have household entertainment product that has made a name in Europe and the United States Threats Criticism Poor public relations development Rising interest rates on

A critical evaluation of a the Carrier Bag Levy introduced in Northern Essay

A critical evaluation of a the Carrier Bag Levy introduced in Northern Ireland - Essay Example On the other hand, exceptions to the levy include for the purposes of containing food for takeout, non-packaged foodstsuffs, some medicines, goods that have been contaminated by soil, and sharp implements such as knives and razor blades, among others. The proceeds are intended to be funneled into environmental and public good uses. Plans include increasing the levy to as much as 10p per bag, owing to the success of the levy in drastically reducing the use of plastic bags on the retailer level, with estimates of up to 80 percent in bag use reduction (Invest Northern Ireland 2014; BBC 2013; BBC 2013b; BBC 2013c; Department of the Environment Northern Ireland 2014; Clark 2014; NIDirect Government Services 2013). Washington State in the United States is noteworthy for having imposed a plastic bag tax four years prior, to the tune of 5 US cents per plastic bag, and while government claims a 60 percent reduction in plastic bags used, contrary figures indicate that plastic bag use has swell ed, as evidenced by sustained increases in tax collections from plastic bag use (Williams 2014; Wilson 2013). Meanwhile, in countries like Rwanda, a total ban on plastic bags as opposed to a tax has led to the successful elimination of plastic bags in the country (Clavel 2014). Critiquing the carrier bag levy in the context of Adam Smiths taxation canons, one can see for instance that there is some debate with regard to whether it passes the muster on the canon on collection economy. As Smith expounded, this canon says that the tax should not be a discouragement to business and should be inexpensive to collect. From the point of view of the businesses, the carrier bag levy is not a discouragement to the conduct of business, because the retailers merely act as collection agents of the tax by the government. The retailers being the collection agents and the remitting agents

Week 2 Participation Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Week 2 Participation Questions - Essay Example Misinterpreting messages that are sent using online communication tools is a common occurrence. Sometimes online communication leads to misunderstanding because the receptor never read the message and the sender assumed that it was read. Imagine a customer that sends three emails complaining about something, but due to a system error nobody at the company ever received the messages. The customer assumes the messages were read and the customer service of the company is poor. I understand your perspective that person to person communication can be much harder than other ways of communication. One of the primary reasons for this is that emotions are always present during person to person communication. It is much easier to block the emotional aspect of communicating when there is a computer in front of you instead of a real person. Also when a person is in a tough spot in a person to person communication it is hard to get out of the situation without hurting the others feelings. If a phone communication is going downhill it is simple just to hang up and blame the communication cutoff on technical difficulties. I agree with you that online communication is the best way to keep track of a conversation or message. Online communications such as emails are automatically saved without any special commands. The content of an email can be easily transferred into database software to save the conversation for quality assurance purpose and to document the incident. In the business world documentation of conversation is extremely important to reduce liability and other risks. Also the online medium is the fastest and cheapest alternative that provides companies with the greatest reach. After reading your personal miscommunication at work example my view is that in order to prevent miscommunication from occurring when dealing with complex situations that require fast action team members need to have identical written copies of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Three benefits of making change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Three benefits of making change - Essay Example Change is not necessarily well-received in most situations of life. In fact, resistance to change is one of the most fundamental behaviors embedded in human nature. We dislike change because of our concerns and insecurities associated with the unpredictable circumstances. However, many successful people attribute their success to change (Chibukhchyan). Discomfort and lack of ease is commonly experienced in the initial stages of embracing a change because while doing so, an individual essentially comes out of his/her comfort zone, but as he/she starts to get used to the changing circumstances and comes to terms with it, he/she happens to realize and discover such talents and opportunities that might never have become evident otherwise. Some changes are evitable while others are not. Even if an individual tends to avoid changes, there is hardly anything he/she can do about the inevitable changes. One such change is the process of aging and the changes it causes in the physical as well as biological features of an individual. For example, the colorful hair becomes dull and grey as an individual ages. Many people, particularly men even experience hair loss as they age. However, if people embrace this change and try to take the necessary measures to adjust and adapt to it, they can bring a very positive change in their lives. For example, an individual can do hair enhancement to feel better and combat the risks of hair damage and hair fall with aging. â€Å"Unlike surgical and cosmetic interventions that are used to update other physical features (e.g., lasers, face lifts, tummy tucks, teeth implants), enhancements to our hair are much less radical, and yet they can make a huge difference in how we feel about our agi ng appearance† (Diller). It takes willpower, hard work, and self-discipline to change (Losee), but an emotional relationship with someone worthy and positively influential is the catalyst for change. Many people suffering from diseases need to bring